
Our Approach

Commitment at the most senior level is vital for us to achieve our goal of leading the leisure travel sector in sustainable development.

Senior Management Commitment

Johan Lundgren, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, is responsible for reporting on sustainable development to the TUI GROUP Board. Jacky Simmonds, Group HR Director, is responsible for reporting on sustainable development to the Group Management Board. Jane Ashton is the Director of Group Sustainable Development.

Steering Committee

The Group Management Board acts as the Steering Committee, setting the strategic direction and long-term objectives for sustainable development.
Group Sustainable Development

The Group Sustainable Development department’s role is to drive change towards a more sustainable company, to forge sector leadership. The department works closely with other Group departments and the TUI GROUP network of Sector Coordinators, meeting regularly to tackle issues and develop action plans.

Sector Coordinators

Each TUI GROUP sector has a Sustainable Development Coordinator, reporting on these issues directly to the Sector Managing Director. Mainstream businesses have a Sector Coordinator in each major geographical region. Sector Coordinators are responsible for identifying Group and sector-specific targets, collating performance data and developing and implementing sustainable development strategy within their sector.

Champions Network

Sector Coordinators are responsible for appointing champions in each TUI GROUP business to support them in the delivery of their Sector’s sustainable development strategy.

To review our performance and to measure progress, we have incorporated sustainable development questions into regular colleague surveys at Sector and Group level. We also conduct an annual Sustainable Development Evaluation of TUI GROUP tour operating businesses, as well as specific surveys of airlines, hotels and water transport operations.


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